Facts and figures

Local Stirling by Numbers

Below are statistics and signposts to a variety of sources of local information that will help you understand Stirling and its individual communities.

Our Key Statistics is the latest summary profile of the Stirling Council area and it provides statistics on population, households, tenure, educational attainment, school leaver destinations, earnings by workplace, unemployment and other labour market statistics.

Population Estimates and projections

Benefit Claimants

The tabulation tool allows you to download and customise DWP national statistics and Neighbourhood Statistics provides data on a range of individual benefits.

Scottish Indices of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD)

This identifies small areas of multiple deprivations across Scotland. Multiple deprivations are made up of seven domains of income, employment, health, education/skills/ training, geographic access, housing and crime. Each domain measures specific aspects of deprivation that when brought together provide a comprehensive assessment level of relative multiple deprivations in an area. Below is a briefing note for the Stirling Council area and additional information can be found here.

Other Useful Sources

Scotland's Official Statistics - this site provides statistics on population, health, labour market, housing, education, transport, physical environment, crime and justice for a range of geographies.